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Blazecut fire system

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Blazecut fire system Empty Blazecut fire system

Post by panic_fan Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:36 pm

Thoughts on this system?
Blazecut fire suppression

I think its a really cool idea. Even if it just knocks out the fire until you can get to it?
There is a lot of talk about it on thesamba, but no one that has really tested it on a bus in motion.

For less than $200 It would give me some piece of mind I think. Even if I do check my fuel lines alot and my filter is outside the engine bay.
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Blazecut fire system Empty Re: Blazecut fire system

Post by DiggerD Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:13 pm

I like those and will prob put one in my bus eventually, having found several potential fire hazards thru periodic maintenance.
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Blazecut fire system Empty Re: Blazecut fire system

Post by Attorney Isaiah Loophole Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:59 pm

That is pretty cool! Price seems pretty good
Attorney Isaiah Loophole
Attorney Isaiah Loophole
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Blazecut fire system Empty Re: Blazecut fire system

Post by zabo Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:44 pm

be nice if it was a little more discreet- tht one looks pretty ugly hanging there
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Blazecut fire system Empty Re: Blazecut fire system

Post by panic_fan Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:08 pm

zabo wrote:be nice if it was a little more discreet- tht one looks pretty ugly hanging there

Yes, I think they could have used a darker color tubing, but I think thats so you can visably check the tube.

I think it would be pretty safe if you have that soleniod wired in line to cut off the flow of fuel...the one thing I keep reading is "what happens when more gas get pumped onto the hot engine?"

I assume you have to remember to turn off the key and that solenoid would stop the flow?
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Blazecut fire system Empty Re: Blazecut fire system

Post by fluxcap Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:22 pm

Every bit helps, but I'm skeptical as to how much good it would do.  I've heard a few stories of VWs being on fire and the driver not even knowing until another motorist informed them (Malik's old car comes to mind).  Looks great on the video with a little gas poured on a non running engine.....but I'd imagine in a VW that was being driven, that fire would have started, been put out with the blazecut before the driver even knew what happened, and then if the car was still running, it would just start up again.  

But that's just my completely uneducated assumption.  I know jack squat about fire suppression, but do know that a vw will run for a bit even with an engine fire, and since the engine is behind us, we may not realize it for a bit.

Now if the blazecut had some way to automatically kill the engine/fuel supply right when it blew (without the driver having to flip that solenoid), then I'd be more optimistic.
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Blazecut fire system Empty Re: Blazecut fire system

Post by sdmjam Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:25 pm

I installed the Blazecut in my bus because it seemed like a cost effective insurance plan. All the other fire supression systems I researched were way more than $150. If it only buys enough time to get kids out, or just a chance to get a fire extinguisher in there, or keeps my bus from being completely crisped, etc then it is worth it. Kinda like the carbon monoxide detector in the parcel tray...super cheap insurance. {JOGR sells Blazecut on Amazon, it installs in minutes, and leaves no permanent holes/bolts etc in your ride}
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