Georgia Dubs
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cleaning your frame

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cleaning your frame Empty cleaning your frame

Post by DOODLE BUGG Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:46 am

cleaning your frame is easy for me now i got a 4inch wire brush that looks like a cup and put it on the electric grinder and all the glue and tar crap that is on the tunnel is gone it is sliker than if i would have run a da over it i dd the hole frame in less than a hour get the pans on today and it will be ready to paint
Out of Control Dubber

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cleaning your frame Empty Re: cleaning your frame

Post by 56HAVOC Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:56 am

DOODLE BUGG wrote:cleaning your frame is easy for me now i got a 4inch wire brush that looks like a cup and put it on the electric grinder and all the glue and tar crap that is on the tunnel is gone it is sliker than if i would have run a da over it i dd the hole frame in less than a hour get the pans on today and it will be ready to paint

So when can I bring the ghia lol!!! Call me want to get it done before Hooters next weekend
Out of Control Dubber

Number of posts : 1703
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-07-28

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