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What's your vw's story

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What's your vw's story Empty What's your vw's story

Post by adams77 Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:27 pm

My 68 baja started out as this
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I sold off most of the good stuff like the 3x3 trailing arms and gave away the rest, then I traded the rolling shell for a motorcycle, and a welder. Consequently my wife decided we did not want a motorcycle so I traded it for a 17 foot canoe.

A year later I traded an old willys jeep for the baja (which came with a complete engine and almost running too) and it is now back home. Shocked

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SO what is your story............

Dub Nut

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Registration date : 2009-01-09

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What's your vw's story Empty Re: What's your vw's story

Post by Bugman114 Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:44 pm

bought, traded, or was givin my 9 VW's. traded one away to bryce. sold another one, and still have all the rest (7). lol thats about it. Laughing
Dub God

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What's your vw's story Empty Re: What's your vw's story

Post by Grifspop Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:50 am

My 1957 Beetle was purchased from Brundage Motors (on Spring Street, downtown Atlanta) by the original owner, then I bought it from him in 1987. He kept it almost 30 years, and I've had it for 23 years.
Dub God

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What's your vw's story Empty Re: What's your vw's story

Post by 68buggirrl Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:37 pm

I bought my 68 beetle from Murray Ragsdale in Dallas Ga on Dec 19th, 2009. He was the original owner and took great care of the beetle. I have it and im slowly but surely restoring it.

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just some so far. lol.
Dub Nut

Number of posts : 301
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Registration date : 2010-03-20!/bimmergirrl

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