Georgia Dubs
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This could be too good to be true...or not affordable.

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This could be too good to be true...or not affordable. Empty This could be too good to be true...or not affordable.

Post by 69panel Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:11 am
Dub Nut

Number of posts : 459
Age : 81
Location : Cumming,Dawsonville,Gainesville area
Registration date : 2008-09-04

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This could be too good to be true...or not affordable. Empty Re: This could be too good to be true...or not affordable.

Post by Alansd Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:31 pm

Really a no brainier for VW. Porsche has a great electric engine, why not the van? like all good things probably way too much $$
Seen 914 converted to electric by the way

Dub Noob

Number of posts : 97
Location : Woodstock
Registration date : 2015-04-30

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