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Buffing old paint amature style

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Buffing old paint amature style Empty Buffing old paint amature style

Post by pwmcguire Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:18 pm

Finally got some time to buff out Scooter. Here is what I did.

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Buffing old paint amature style Empty Re: Buffing old paint amature style

Post by bakertim2 Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:09 pm

Come out looking good.
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Buffing old paint amature style Empty Re: Buffing old paint amature style

Post by Alansd Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:13 pm

nice job. I was very afraid when I attempted buffing out my 911 doors. They were getting faded looking and had orange peel from an older paint job when the doors were re-skinned.
I tried the wet sanding method then used Meguirs ultimate compound on it with a Cyclo polisher. Came out fine after a few passes.
My Thing paint job has lots of stuff wrong, and I will get to this soon. I need to get the shine up!

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