Georgia Dubs
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74 super beetle electrical issues?

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74 super beetle electrical issues? Empty 74 super beetle electrical issues?

Post by m1auto Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:52 am

hey everyone my beetle does this "surging" where it feels like it missfired but it only does it at high RPMs and when it does it the RPM guage goes nuts like when it does a surge the needle will jump up even though the RPMs on the engine havent. and today it did the surging really bad and the battery went dead so i couldn't start it. also the headlights will get brighter and dimmer as if it was switched between high and low beams but when i hit the switch they will dim so i know its not actually switching between high and low beams its just getting brighter and dimmer and so on... i took the battery cable off while it was running and it didn't die and the headlights worked so im sure its not the alternator. could the voltage regulator be bad? also could these issues be completely seperate from one another? any help is greatly appreciated Very Happy

Dub Noob

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74 super beetle electrical issues? Empty Re: 74 super beetle electrical issues?

Post by jamesmichael73 Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:07 pm

I kid you not,
The PO of my 69 routed the tach to coil thru the drivers seat rail. It wreaked so much havoc! But it just fried stuff. No surging.
My DD is having voltage reg issues. Do the lights pulse at idle? Yep. I saw that. 74 is internal? Believe so. A good alternator shop should be able to repiair it in a few hours. Provided you remove and install it.
Dub Noob

Number of posts : 20
Age : 49
Location : Rossville
Registration date : 2013-01-03

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