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Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of

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Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of Empty Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of

Post by Attorney Isaiah Loophole Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:01 am
Attorney Isaiah Loophole
Attorney Isaiah Loophole
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Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of Empty Re: Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of

Post by BKiller Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:36 pm

I've heard of one of those. Wink
Dub Crazy

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Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of Empty Re: Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of

Post by fluxcap Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:57 am

There's one in the samba classifieds right now if you want another. Only $26k. Brandon, you really need the wheels on this one for your car.
Dub Lieutenant General

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Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of Empty Re: Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of

Post by ASBug Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:43 am

Check out that guy's other listing for a 71 bus.
Ubber Cool.
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Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of Empty Re: Hagertys 5 coolest cars you've never heard of

Post by BKiller Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:45 am

fluxcap wrote:There's one in the samba classifieds right now if you want another. Only $26k. Brandon, you really need the wheels on this one for your car.

That one has been listed for a while now.
I will pass on the Daytons.

I sold the wheels off my SP2 this week so it will have new wheels next time you see it.

Dub Crazy

Number of posts : 687
Age : 51
Location : McDonough
Registration date : 2009-04-09

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