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DECK Lid Removal

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DECK Lid Removal Empty DECK Lid Removal

Post by Terry 64 Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:42 am

REmove my deck lid last night in about 5 minutes.
Place a blanket over it to keep from scratching
Remove 4 bolts while wife held it
Slid right off w/ no accidents,

I tried to remove spring first it would not buldge>

Terry 64
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Location : Albany Ga
Registration date : 2011-01-11

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DECK Lid Removal Empty Re: DECK Lid Removal

Post by fluxcap Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:42 am

Yep, I always use a thick blanket. I also removed the the stock hinge pins and now use quick release pins. I love them and will use them on every car I get in the future. Makes removal/install a one person job and keeps you from having to re-align everytime.

However, with the quick release pins, it really does help to remove the spring first. I guess I just got lucky with my spring. It is strong enough to keep the decklid fully opened, but not so strong that I can't install/remove it by hand with the decklid mounted. If I don't remove the spring first, the pressure from the spring will cause the hinge halfs to bind after the quick release pins are removed, then I'm stuck trying to wiggle the decklid free. But I've gotten to where I can get the spring on and off in just a few seconds now! The trick is squeezing yourself under the decklid and closing it down on you as much as possible to reduce tension on the spring.
Dub Lieutenant General

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Registration date : 2008-07-20

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DECK Lid Removal Empty Re: DECK Lid Removal

Post by Major62 Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:07 pm

fluxcap wrote:But I've gotten to where I can get the spring on and off in just a few seconds now! The trick is squeezing yourself under the decklid and closing it down on you as much as possible to reduce tension on the spring.

AND DONT LET GO !! affraid

Been thinking of putting pins on mine also
Dub Nut

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DECK Lid Removal Empty Re: DECK Lid Removal

Post by fluxcap Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:40 pm

I tell you Randy, the first time I popped that spring loose with the decklid still attached I had to jump back and make sure all my fingers were still accounted for!
Dub Lieutenant General

Number of posts : 3857
Location : Newnan, GA
Registration date : 2008-07-20

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