Georgia Dubs
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type 3 brakes on a type one

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type 3 brakes on a type one Empty type 3 brakes on a type one

Post by buggin70 Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:16 pm

thanks to digger i got this link
Out of Control Dubber

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type 3 brakes on a type one Empty Re: type 3 brakes on a type one

Post by Grifspop Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:11 am

Don't forget to use the type 1 axle seal retainer, and if you're using short axles, you'll have to machine down the snout on the type 3 drum. From what I understand, the 4 lug and 5 lug type 3 drums are interchangeable.
Dub God

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