Georgia Dubs
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Ya'll keep locking the only threads worth reading

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Ya'll keep locking the only threads worth reading - Page 2 Empty Re: Ya'll keep locking the only threads worth reading

Post by Bugman114 Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:17 pm

59suicide wrote:
Clyde wrote:
then you should be shot...

Geeeez.... Be careful around here affraid

Honestly, I run into all types when I'm selling at shows. 99.99% of VW folks are great. VW represents open mindedness, functionality over style, frugality, simplicity, honesty, etc, etc... And the people who are drawn to the VW generally reflect the same loving and honest attitude toward things as well as people.

Then up walks Mr know it all, who has the only way to fix whatever and he has to broadcast it to prove everyone else on the planet is wrong. I love the looks on the others at my tables as I patiently listen and smile.

None of us are better than anyone else. Just older, and maybe made a bunch more mistakes.

I mistaked my way through my engine build Laughing

lol, welcome to my world, lol. I couldn't tell ya how many times i've put the cylinders and heads on, only to find a circlip lying on the table. then had to take the whole damn thing apart to pu the little fugger back on. then realizing when i put all that back on, i forgot to put the cylinder head shim back on, lol. It sucks when you've rebuilt 1 motor three times in one hour Laughing
Dub God

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Age : 35
Location : Ellenwood, GA
Registration date : 2008-08-09

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