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Help :71 Super beetle

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Help :71 Super beetle

Post by sÜper_dÜb Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:56 pm

My beetle wont start, it wants to but never goes all the way , It has gas in the tank and i have cheked the distributor and the plugs and all electrical , and gas also goes into the fuel filter, I cant seem to figure out why it wont fire up, I did mess with the carb's adjusting screw before this happened, maybe i "untuned" it im not sure as i have move the "carb screw" to try to set it back , but i get nothing, i have been told it could be my fuel pump, but i want to know your opinion , if this has happened to you,?
Dub Noob

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by buggin58 Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:04 pm

do u hold the gas when u try to start it?

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by Cambur Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:50 pm

when tunning a carb i usually tighten both screws till they stop then back each one off three and a half turns, usually a good starting point, and you can disconnect the fuel line from the carb, and have someone try to start the car if gas squirts out then fuel pump is working...

fixed it! (meant to say carb not car!)

its also good idea to hold a rag on the end of the fuel line that way when gas comes out you dont saturate your engine, or yourself, then you can check to see if the rag is wet, if so, you have gas! Laughing

Last edited by 59 Euro Rag on Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by bumblebuggy Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:30 am

59 Euro Rag wrote:when tunning a carb i usually tighten both screws till they stop then back each one off three and a half turns, usually a good starting point, and you can disconnect the fuel line from the car, and have someone try to start the car if gas squirts out then fuel pump is working...

The hose where it plugs into the carb not where it goes into the pump. (I've been reviewing the idiot book recently)
Out of Control Dubber

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by Bugman114 Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:05 am

do you mean its cranking, but not firing at all?


its cranking, and randomly firing, but not enough to actually start?


it starts up, then immediately dies out?
Dub God

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by sÜper_dÜb Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:30 pm

thanks for the replies ill try to work on it , tonight, and Bugman114 , what seems to happen it that i crank it to starts and it does the (chugga chugga) noise that it wants to but never pulls all the way,
Dub Noob

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by Bugman114 Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:10 am

did you try to floor it while starting? does it have a stock 34pict on it? If so, make sure the wiire on the left side of the carb, is hooked up (thats the idle shut off valve).

If thats not the problem, then the carbs just might not have enough gas in it. What i mean, is that once i had run out of gas. i filled it up, and it still wouldn't start. it seemed as if the pump wasn't primed or something, cause it had gas in the filter, but just wouldn't start. So i simply poured a little gas down the carb, it sputtered, coughed, and ran. its as if the pump wasn't strong enough to get gas to the carb, or it wasn't primed or something. but either way, it worked. Might want to try that, unless you tired that already, lol.


perhaps you just happened to get some junk stuck in the carb. take the air filter off the carb, and put your hand ontop of the carb (to seal the intake, and not let any air go inside), andd have someone crank it. if there was any junk in there, it should clear it out.

These are just 3 possible problems. try that, and then we'll only have 9,999,999,997 things left to try out, hahaha.
Dub God

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by sÜper_dÜb Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:05 am

ok did the fuel pump test and it works so that checks out. also closed up the carb screws and opened them evenly, and did the hand over the carb thing to clear it , but nothing seems to work , now my battery has started to die ,due to all attempts to start , No so now on to the 9,999,999,997 more things lol
Dub Noob

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by Bugman114 Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:25 pm

what about gas (only a little), or starting fluid down the carb? even tho the pump may be pumping, when i had my stock set-up on my motor, everytime i ran out of gas, the on;y thing that would get it started again, was pouring a little gas down the motor to get it to kick on, and work. not sure why, but it did. Also, are you absolutely sure there is enough gas in the tank. once the guage was a little low but still said i had gas, and even pulled the line and it shot out gas, but turns out, i kept cranking it, and it was only a little gas here and there. the guage actually crapped out on me, and was stuck a quick punch on the guage, and it went down.


is the car parked at an angle by any chance? or is it level? By level i mean if you were to put it in neutral, would the car roll? bacause sometimes with those stock carbs, the float valve can start leaking, if you are parked at an angle, and drip gas down the intake. If you look down the carb, you would be able to see it dripping on the throtle plate. that constant dripping can cause the engine to flood out, and eventually foul out the plugs.

What kind of carb do you have (stock, 30pict, 34pict)? that would definately help to know.

Also, what made you want to tune the carb in the first place? was it starting to run progressively worse, or something?
Dub God

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by sÜper_dÜb Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:20 pm

Bugman114 wrote:what about gas (only a little), or starting fluid down the carb? even tho the pump may be pumping, when i had my stock set-up on my motor, everytime i ran out of gas, the on;y thing that would get it started again, was pouring a little gas down the motor to get it to kick on, and work. not sure why, but it did. Also, are you absolutely sure there is enough gas in the tank. once the guage was a little low but still said i had gas, and even pulled the line and it shot out gas, but turns out, i kept cranking it, and it was only a little gas here and there. the guage actually crapped out on me, and was stuck a quick punch on the guage, and it went down.


is the car parked at an angle by any chance? or is it level? By level i mean if you were to put it in neutral, would the car roll? bacause sometimes with those stock carbs, the float valve can start leaking, if you are parked at an angle, and drip gas down the intake. If you look down the carb, you would be able to see it dripping on the throtle plate. that constant dripping can cause the engine to flood out, and eventually foul out the plugs.

What kind of carb do you have (stock, 30pict, 34pict)? that would definately help to know.

Also, what made you want to tune the carb in the first place? was it starting to run progressively worse, or something?

ok i tried pouring a bit of gas on the carb and still the same, also tried some starter fluid, (i was told not to over do it) so i sprayed just a bit into it, and still the same, the car is sittin in a level area , the carb on it is solex h30/31pict , , the reason i messed up is due to that the car was making alot of noise when it ran , so i thought it might have to do with the carb adjusting, Thing is i moved the knobs with the car off , i think it would have been better if i had it on , to hear and know it works... bugman. thanks for helping me out i really appreciate it Smile
Dub Noob

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by sÜper_dÜb Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:21 pm

oh and i do press on the gas to get some gas going into the car when attempting to turn it on,
Dub Noob

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by fluxcap Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:02 pm

Ok, I know your first post up top says you checked the distributor, plugs, and electrical, but what does "checked" mean. If you poured gas down the carb and didn't get any coughing or sputtering, it's sounds like your aren't getting any spark. Have you pulled a plug wire and looked for a spark while someone else turns the engine over?
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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by sÜper_dÜb Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:27 am

ITS ALIVE!!!!! thanks guys for all the advice, ,,, turns out to be that my new distributor clamp was not letting the distributor connect into the hole on the block really well so it had no spark to fire the thing up.. Smile if that makes sence lol ,
Dub Noob

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by Bugman114 Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:59 pm

lol, nice. BTW i was getting to that. out of 9,999,999,995 things left, the distributor clamp was number 4,561,387. Laughing Laughing Laughing

Glad you got it runnin cheers
Dub God

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by sÜper_dÜb Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:49 pm

Bugman114 wrote:lol, nice. BTW i was getting to that. out of 9,999,999,995 things left, the distributor clamp was number 4,561,387. Laughing Laughing Laughing

Glad you got it runnin cheers
yeah its awesome to hear that little engine running, and being on the streets again cheers since the clamp did not work i have a thick zip tie tied to the distributor and the thing is held on really good Shocked lol
Dub Noob

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by Bugman114 Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:23 pm

sÜper_dÜb wrote:....... since the clamp did not work i have a thick zip tie tied to the distributor and the thing is held on really good Shocked lol

Damn, thats ghetto. personally i like to use vise grips and duct tape. Atleast that way you have some adjustability built in lol! lol! lol!
Dub God

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by sÜper_dÜb Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:04 pm

Bugman114 wrote:
sÜper_dÜb wrote:....... since the clamp did not work i have a thick zip tie tied to the distributor and the thing is held on really good Shocked lol

Damn, thats ghetto. personally i like to use vise grips and duct tape. Atleast that way you have some adjustability built in lol! lol! lol!

indeed it is ghetto but its got me running Very Happy so that keeps me happy Cool . but i will find some way to thin down the clamp a bit to fit it back on,
Dub Noob

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by Bugman114 Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:13 am

not really sure what you mean by bad clamp (bent up?), i'd just go to your local vw shop and get one. pretty cheap, in fact, they will prolly just give it to ya. maybe even go to the junkyard and get one, if they happen to have any VW's there. glad you got it on the road again. we gotta race one day Twisted Evil
Dub God

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by sÜper_dÜb Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:58 pm

Shocked i cant race you lol you will beat me with your turbo hands down, On foot then and its a race lol.. i plan on going boosted also, just have to research and what to use Wink
Dub Noob

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Help :71 Super beetle Empty Re: Help :71 Super beetle

Post by Bugman114 Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:32 pm

parts list for turbo'ing your car:

Lots of pipe
maybe some duct tape
paper clips are a must
rubber bands
zip ties

Dub God

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